Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thought Pie: Song Lyrics of the Day

I really like the song "Mayberry" by Rascal Flatts...the lyrics make me think of growing up in my small town - especially the part about driving down an old dirt road :-)

Mayberry - Rascal Flatts

Sometimes it feels like this world is spinning faster
Than it did in the old days
So naturally, we have more natural disasters
From the strain of a fast pace
Sunday was a day of rest
Now, it’s one more day for progress
And we can’t slow down ‘cause more is best
It’s all an endless process

(well)I miss mayberry
Sitting on the porch drinking ice-cold cherry Coke
Where everything is black and white (bada bada badadadada)
Picking on a six string
Where people pass by and you call them by their first name
Watching the clouds roll by
Bye, bye

Sometimes I can hear this old earth shouting
Through the trees as the wind blows
That’s when I climb up here on this mountain
To look through God’s window
Now I can’t fly
But I got two feet that get me high up here
Above the noise and city streets
My worries disappear


Sometimes I dream I’m driving down an old dirt road
Not even listed on a map
I pass a dad and son carrying a fishing pole
But I always wake up every time I try to turn back


Bye, bye

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thought Pie: My Thoughts on Planet Earth the Series

So, it is a beautiful masterpiece (and even more beautiful in HD). I, however, have decided that I don't like it when animals/reptiles/fish eat other animals/reptiles/fish. I just watched the scene where the baby deer (or something like that) is running from the mountain lion and then just sits down, exhausted and lets the mountain lion kill her. That was sad. Also sad was the wildebeest (which seems BEYOND prehistoric to me) that got eaten by the crocodile. I mean, seriously, was it completely necessary to slow the high-speed camera down 40 times so I had to watch every chomp? I was sad. Maybe I'm just tired...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thought Pie: Blessed this Christmas

On this merry day after Christmas (also known as Boxing Day in Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong), I am sitting here realizing I am very blessed. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were wonderful -- spent with family and good friends and GREAT food (thanks Mom!!) and 2009 is looking good. After such a tumultuous 2007, 2008 was great - so I figure 2009 will be EVEN BETTER!!!

Happy Holidays to all who read this blog (all 3 of you!!)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thought Pie: Open Letter to a Douchebag...

Hello Mr. Douchebag Who Shall Remain Nameless,

You don't know me, but I know you -- well at least I know OF you. You've hurt one of my best friends very much...and now you've gone and PISSED ME OFF. If I could, I would tell you this to your face -- although with your apparent lack of a brain and based on your completely self-centered actions, you probably wouldn't even understand the point I would try to convey. I know you'll probably never read this, but the satisfaction of at least thinking that maybe, possibly you could makes me smile.

Let me begin...

First of all, you f*&^ing suck, dude. Seriously. What kind of person faces one of life's biggest responsibilities with the "I don't care, it's not my f*^&ing problem" attitude? BE A MAN! And trying to say the baby is not yours - please...science has confirmed it, but you're obviously too much of a CHICKEN SH*T BABY to accept it and actually grow up and deal with it. You don't have to marry her - hell, you don't even have to date her. But at least be a MAN and show her some RESPECT (there's a song about that, you know). Just because you don't like her or think she lied to you or blah blah blah, it DOESN'T MATTER - she is pregnant with YOUR BABY and that makes you half responsible for what is going on. Quit trying to make her feel like this is ALL HER FAULT - in case you've forgotten from sex-ed in the fifth grade, your sperm fertilized her egg...get it?

That beautiful little baby boy that is growing inside her is YOUR SON - yours, you dipsh*t...and what are you doing? Throwing it all away. You have made it very apparent that you want nothing to do with him -- and guess what, you won't have to. Not now, not ever. And if you think you will just be able to walk back into their lives when it's convenient for you, you have another thing coming. It's called a security system dude, and it has a "call the police" button. And there is a PISSED OFF woman in San Francisco who will come kick your little sorry a**! Furthermore, you have ZERO rights to that baby boy - ZERO. You've basically kissed your child goodbye - I hope you regret it every day of your life.

I really wish you had done the right thing, I really do. She doesn't deserve to be this stressed out and unhappy when she's pregnant. Think about what that is doing to the baby. THink about the negative energy that you're causing. Oh wait...that's right, you only think about yourself. Nevermind then...go back to your computer games and beer cans. Have a nice white trash life.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Thought-Pie: This is pretty cool...

AKQA's holiday card...


I have to say, though, that I wouldn't want to be the art director who thought that concept up and then had to figure out how to execute on it.

Happy Holidays!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thought Pie: Proof that eating healthy doesn't have to suck

So last week, I made this pork stir fry dish from a recipe out of the Fat Belly Diet book.

It was AMAZING...no need to explain, just look at the pics:

Actually, I will explain a little -- the secret is pork tenderloin...it's so tasty and delicious...


Thought Pie: As much as I hate to admit...

I'm really diggin' on Britney's new album....(someone kill me now).

It makes me want to get up and dance...I actually did just a minute ago (and yes, Patrick laughed).

My new favorite song: Lace and Leather (great bass beat)

So, check it out -- I won't laugh at you, but your friends might. I know mine will.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Anybody who cares about me on Facebook already knows that I'm getting an iPhone today!!!!

I'm so FREAKIN' excited :-)


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thought Pie: My Friends Make White Trash Look Goooood

Seriously, look at them -- I wish that I had looked that good when I was ever so slightly white trash growing up!!

Thanks to Wes and Katie for not even giving me permission to post this!

I mean, is this classy, or what?


Friday, December 5, 2008

Thought Pie: HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

This makes me happy: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Brazil/

Not just because I love Brazil so much, but because it's cute, the music is catchy and -HEY- makes you wanna DANCE!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thought Pie: Flat Belly Diet Day 4

Ok, so i'm not TOTALLY starving anymore. In fact, I've grown to like eating mostly vegetables -- i feel better and feel like I am losing some weight - although the scale doesn't say so. Oh well.

I've also gained some dieting knowledge:
  • Chewing gum staves off eating
  • Dark chocolate is a really good thing to eat after a meal -- tells your stomach you're done and is rich enough that you won't eat a bunch
  • It's ok to cheat a little (like a TINY bit) -- it makes you not so much of a dieting lunatic
  • So, after today, we go onto the 1600 calorie per day part of the diet. Hopefully I won't be AS hungry as I have been on the 1400 calorie per day portion. We'll see.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thought Pie: Flat Belly Diet - Day 1

Yes...I've embarked on yet another (and probably temporary) diet plan. This time, it's the Flat Belly Diet.

I discovered this diet plan through the book "The Flat Belly Diet" which was sent to my mother from a well-meaning friend. The crux of this diet plan is that you need to have a MUFA (mono-unsaturated fatty acid) with every meal. What is a MUFA you ask? Well, it is the "good fat" that comes in the form of oils, avacados, olives, chocolate and nuts.

I'll let the experts tell you more:

"According to the authors, the secret ingredient in the Flat Belly Diet that whittles away belly fat is the addition of a monounsaturated fat, or MUFA, at every meal. MUFAs are found in olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, soybean, flax, and olive and sunflower oils.

"Research shows that MUFAs have health benefits and target belly fat. They also help control satiety, so by adding in one MUFA at meals and snacks it is easier to stick with the plan and lose belly fat," explains co-author Sass.

Before starting on the 28-day plan, dieters go on a 1,200- to 1400-calorie, four-day anti-bloat jump-start period designed to reduce bloating and get dieters in the mind-set of a healthier eating plan. During the jump-start, dieters drink 2 liters of daily "sassy water," a blend of spices, herbs, citrus, and cucumber. "We tested the diet plan on 11 volunteers and they told us the flavored water reduced bloating, constipation, helped them feel better and get rid of that sluggish feeling," explains Sass.

There's a lot of girlfriend-sounding advice from journalist Vaccariello, who is not a medical professional, along with more credible "notes from our nutritionist" that feature registered dietitian Sass. Success stories of the 11-member test panel are sprinkled throughout the book.

Exercise is optional but encouraged. An entire chapter is devoted to the flat belly workout with diagrams of exercises, walking plans, and a 28-day workout plan." (source: WebMD)

So, basically I'm starving right now and will continue to be starving for the next 32 days. I've read several articles (such as the WebMD article above) that say this diet plan is a sham and that it's nothing more than portion control and a Mediterranean diet - which is what most diet plans recommend. I haven't had much luck in dieting, as I really like to snack - though not necessarily on bad foods. I also could probably see similar results if I just got up off my lazy ass and went to the gym.

We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile, I'm starving.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thought Pie: The Dwain

So I just found this picture of my dad, Mr. Dwain Bitter, on his computer...thought I'd share since he looks so dapper :-)



Ah, the day as arrived...and so soon!!!

On the menu at our Thankgiving celebration today:

Two smoked turkey breasts
HoneyBaked Ham
Italian sausage stuffing
"Patty's Potatoes" (mashed potatoes with cream cheese, sour cream, and some other stuff)
Asiago romano pumpkin gratin (my contribution)
Sweet potato pie (the BEST, purchased at the Lake Merritt Farmer's Market)
Gooey butter cake (another of my contributions...Patrick's mom's family recipe)

I probably forgot something, but just looking at the list makes me REALLY hungry.

Have a great day everyone!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thought Pie: My New Favorite Song

Ah...god love country music!!! Trace Adkins has just come out with a new album, X, which is pretty good overall -- however, one song in particular has become my new favorite song...

It is called "Til The Last Shot's Fired" and tells the story of a soldier in WWII, very heart-string tugging and very pretty. But the end is the kicker -- there is a choir that sings a little diddy that is just BEAUTIFUL...to the point where I was rewinding over and over.

Take a listen -- even if you don't like country music...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thought Pie: The Perezzies

Hottest HookupBiggest Breakup
Lindsay Lohan and Sa...Madonna and Guy Ritc...
Favorite JonasBreakout Star of the Year
NickTaylor Swift
Baddest Bad GirlBiggest Scandal
Amy WinehouseRaffaello Follieri's...
Best DressedWorst Dressed
RihannaMischa Barton
Hottest HottieCutest Celebuspawn
Robert PattinsonViolet Affleck
Most ImprovedWorst Trainwreck
Nicole RichieAmy Winehouse
Most DVR-worthy SeriesBiggest Box Office Blowout
Gossip GirlTwilight
Celeb of the Year
Barack Obama
Who would you vote for?
Go to PerezHilton.com to vote!

Thought Pie: To Make Up for Barry Manilow...

Thank God SOMETHING made up for the lack of judgment on Barry's part...

I'm happy to report that the new Killers album, "Day and Age", is REALLY, REALLY good.

One should take a listen.


Thought Pie: Horrible Discovery of the Day: Barry Manilow's "The Greatest Songs of the 80's"

Barry Manilow felt the need to come out with "The Greatest Songs of the 80's" (because "The Greatest Songs of the 70's" wasn't horrible enough).

And now for my open letter to Barry:

Dear Barry,

There are just some songs that are sacred and shouldn't be messed with. "Islands in the Stream" is one of those...as is "Open Arms"...and "Never Gonna Give You Up". While I appreciate your thoughtfulness and passion in recording your "Best Songs of the 80's" album, I really wish you had maybe picked something like "Most Obscure Songs of the 80's" or "Barry Manilow Does Barry Manilow's 80's Songs". You have a lovely voice, but it wasn't needed on the tracks you chose...they are the "best" for a reason...they were already done REALLY well.



Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thought Pie: I've decided...

...that my boyfriend, Patrick, should most definately start a Yes cover band. I think this would be incredibly revolutionary.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thought Pie: Sick of Being Sick...

I'm so tired of feeling like I'm going to vomit all the time...seriously...this is just disgusting.



Monday, January 28, 2008

Thought Pie: Baby Names I Like...

Not that I'm pregnant, but just thinking ahead...

For a girl:
  • Sadie
  • Izabela
  • Marlo
  • Michael
  • Max
  • Clayton
For a boy:
  • Oliver
  • Max
