Monday, February 9, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Parts 34-37 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. Going out with my little sister on Friday night
  2. Watching Patrick play a gig again (I forgot how much I LOVE watching him play guitar)
  3. Hanging out with Alex at Patrick's gig
  4. Napping on Saturday afternoons
  5. Getting work done on a Sunday night so Monday morning isn't so CRAZY
  6. Orange juice with flaxseed oil
  7. Golden Oreos
  8. My new pink shoes (they're Jessica Simpson, but hey, whatever..."
  9. Shake 'n Bake pork chops
  10. Romanesco broccoli (looks like a space alien, but very tasty)
  11. Making Patrick laugh
  12. Snuggling with Patrick in the big green chair
  13. The Bachelor (what other TV show can make me feel so much better about myself??)
  14. FINALLY having my hair be long enough to wear in a ponytail (even though it's a little like Pebbles Flinstone)
  15. Listening to the rain
  16. Laughing at Jack (I know, always say this one...but it truly does grace my life every day)
  17. My awesome coworkers
  18. Ginger ale
  19. My fireplace (albeit a gas furnace inside a fireplace)
  20. Blue pens

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