Monday, January 5, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 1 of 365

I'm stealing an idea from my coworker and the blogger Schmutzie and starting "365 Days of Grace in Small Things".

To explain it better, here's a bit from Schmutzie:

"The world we live in is loud and harsh and bright and demanding, and it is easy to slide into a less than thoughtful survival mode in which we do what we have to do to make it through the day with the least amount of strife possible. This robs us of the time and energy to be mindful of ourselves and those we love and to recognize the grace that exists in small things.

It is with this thought that I am beginning one year of posts called "Grace In Small Things". Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life. Feel free to join me. Or mock me. Or, you know, do whatever's in your heart. You can start on whatever day you want, so if you come across this six months from now, don't let that hold you back."

So to kick if off, here is Part 1 of 365 from yours truly:

1. My Grandpa Mulford
2. My dog Jack and his goofy smile
3. My boyfriend's face when he plays guitar
4. My sister's laugh and the way her eyes crinkle up when she does so
5. Working with a group of super smart, really nice and non-drama people

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