Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Parts 22-26 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

And today you get 20, because I've been traveling:

1. Flying to St. Louis and having NO delays, even though it was dumping snow there
2. Seeing my feet in the snow again!
3. Seeing my BFF from college Dave after FAR TOO LONG
4. Dave's neice Emily -- a little ray of perfect sunshine :-)
5. FINALLY spending time with Dave's sister Alyssa
6. Wearing a winter coat and knowing I'll only have to do it for a few more days
7. Watching Dave spin house music
8. Seeing my little brother again!!!
9. Seeing my dad again!!
10. Watching my little brother play with my iPhone and winning every game that I can't
11. Rice Krispie Treats
12. Hearing my sister, Megan, read the weather report for the Tri-County NPR station
13. Cheez-It's
14. Dr. Pepper
15. Having hair just long enough to make a stubby ponytail
16. My IL family dog, Maggie - even though she barks ALL the time
17. Working from my dad's house
18. Fixing the wireless at my dad's house
19. Purple pens
20. Oil blotting sheets

Quote of the Day...

"Blow, blow thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind,
As man's ingratitude."

-William Shakespeare

Photo of the Day...

The snow in front of Dave's house!!

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Photo of the Day...

My feet in the St. Louis snow!

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thought Pie: Quote of the Day...

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

-Winston Churchill

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Picture of the Day...


Jack enjoys a morning commute...

Quote of the Day...

"In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these."

-Paul Harvey

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Parts 20-21 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

1. Saturday afternoon naps
2. My Char-Char Binks (ok, technically not mine...but at least for this weekend!!)
3. Knowing I only have THREE more days until I see my Dave!!!!!
4. Knowing I only have FOUR more days until I see my beloved Illinois family!!!!
5. Knowing I only have SIX more days until I see Olivia!!!!
6. Doing laundry for free
7. Watching sleeping dogs
8. Friends re-runs
9. Watching TV shows on DVR so I can skip annoying commercials
10. Clean comfy clothes

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 19 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. Eating and actually liking more kinds of vegetables (thanks The Fruit Guys!)
  2. Trying different kinds of recipes
  3. Cooking without someone over my shoulder telling me how to cook
  4. Listening to Andrew Bird (I'm late to the game apparently!)
  5. Having a mellow night at home by myself (well, Jacky is here, so I guess I'm not by myself)

Thought Pie: Quote of the Day...

"The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you."

-e.b. white

Thought Pie: Picture of the Day 2

My favorite picture that I took from the inauguration #inaug09 on TwitPic

From infernoenigma on TwitPic

Thought Pie: Photo of the Day...

My sister is quite obviously a ninja...

Posted via Pixelpipe

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thought Pie: Photo of the Day...

Courtesy of

Thought Pie: Quote of the Day...

"The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen."

-Frank Lloyd Wright

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 18 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. Hearing from my friend Niki in Sacramento and coordinating an end-of-March visit with each other!!
  2. Still having a job in times of such economic peril
  3. Jacky being such a good boy at work this afternoon (the morning was another story)
  4. Having the New York Times and Wall Street Journal with Obama on the front pag
  5. My boyfriend...he's wonderful (and told me to post this)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thought Pie: Quote of the Day...

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."

-Robert H. Goddard

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 17 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. Sitting next to the window while working and feeling the sun on my arms
  2. Obama's inauguration speech - VERY moving
  3. Being able to tell someone who thinks Jacky is mean that, in fact, he is all heart
  4. Feeling grown-up and domesticated when I ask Patrick "What time do you want to eat dinner?"
  5. Pretty much taking the back roads all the way to Berkeley and TOTALLY avoiding 580!!

Thought Pie: Photo of the Day -- Hope...

Originally uploaded by Halcyon

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Parts 12-16 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

But since I slacked off Friday and this weekend (and yesterday, ugh), Parts 12-16 will only consist of 5 things (call it slacking...but I like to think of it as downsizing in this economic climate of ours)
  1. Kitteh of teh Opera
  2. Looking again and again at the pictures from my mom's 50th birthday party -- truly awesome
  3. Working from home :-)
  4. Laughing at the memory of Jack diving into my lap in the front seat of the car because he was scared of Patrick's guitar case (seriously, no joke)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thought Pie: An Amazing Friendship

Watch CBS Videos Online

Thought Pie: In Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thought Pie: Quote of the Day...

“The breakthrough innovations come when the tension is greatest and the resources are the most limited. That’s when people are actually a lot more open to rethinking the fundamental way they do business.”

Dr. Clayton M. Christensen

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Parts 10-11 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

1. The Thai Ridgeback puppy cam
2. Great call with my clients this morning
3. My sister doing reenactments of the GI Joe PSA's on YouTube
4. Patrick wearing my pink sunglasses in the car and looking like a young Kenny Rogers
5. Jack's sheer rapture at going over to Grandma's house every morning
6. Going to dinner with my big brother and friends last night!!
7. Fried green beans at 21st Amendment
8. Talking to people who know Jennifer Garner as just "Jen"
9. Being able to help my mom through a tough time
10. My iPhone (still...and always)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Parts 8-9 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.
  1. Getting the green light from my doctor to make a HUGE change in my and Patrick's life...;-)
  2. Once again, the absolutely beautiful, spectacular, wonderful weather we're having in SF this week!
  3. Walking Jack around the neighborhood last night and having him growl at a strange looking man just standing in the middle of the street -- good boy :-)
  4. Finding a parking spot on Piedmont Ave. in Oakland this morning (YES!)
  5. New pool game on my iPhone
  6. Riding the BART when it wasn't tremendously crowded -- it was actually a pleasant experience!
  7. Jarritos soda...sooooo good
  8. My newfound love for Twitter...because I need just one more place to talk about my life!
  9. Looking forward to the authentic Japanese dinner we'll be having at Kirk and Joanie's on Valentine's Day
  10. My sister Kate...she's awesome :-)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thought Pie: Thought-Piex365

So in the spirit of all this 365 stuff, I have started another blog:

It's a pretty cool concept - go check it out (if you're really that interested in me).

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things: Part 5-7 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

Whoo hoo, 15 today!!!

1. Having Charlotte at my house -- she's so cute when she goes to sleep with her nose behind my back on the couch
2. Seeing my big brother from IL yesterday in San Francisco -- love seeing him in my neck of the woods
3. The BEAUTIFUL weather we'll be having this week
4. The fact that I volunteered for the BabyCenter vs. Benefit Bay-to-Breakers run -- yes, I'll actually be active for once
5. My boyfriend -- he's so so so cute
6. Actually loving my job and looking forward to going work everyday
7. Yoplait Key Lime Pie -- soooo good and only 100 calories!
8. Looking forward to my mom's 50th birthday party this weekend
9. Memories of my year in Brasil - QUE SAUDADE!!!
10. When I receive packages at work - even though I know they're coming, it's still like Christmas
11. My mom's laugh -- it's hysterical and borderline maniacal
12. My sister's laugh -- it's really funny and her nose crinkles
13. When Jacky rolls over on his back in the morning so I can scratch his belly - he even smiles
14. Facebook - what an amazing thing. I've gotten back in touch with people I was pretty sure I'd never see/hear from again
15. My new shirt from Walmart -- it looks good and it was only $20


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 4 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. My dog coming out of the living room to greet me in the morning and giving me doggy kisses
  2. Britney Spears' song "Womanizer" -- it just makes me wanna dance
  3. Buying my plane ticket to Illinois, screwing up the dates, but having the change fee waived because I called so soon after I realized my mistake
  4. Buying baby shower presents for Olivia (they're SO cute!!)
  5. Being paid enough to buy nice things for people and not being broke :-)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 3 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. Taking Jack to work with me and watching his excitement before we leave home when I say "Is Jack-Jack going to work today??"
  2. Talking to my friend Andy on IM today
  3. Planning my mom's 50th birthday party
  4. Watching my sisters go through their early 20's and remembering (and chuckling to myself) as I remember going through my early 20's
  5. Johnson's Pink baby lotion

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thought Pie: I LOVE IT

This makes me smile:

song chart memes
more music charts


Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 2 of 365

Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life.

  1. My mom busting out in hysterical laughter this morning because of a coworker's inane narcissism in an email
  2. Making Patrick laugh
  3. Seeing my coworker do a great presentation in our all company meeting this morning
  4. The little monkey stuffed animal that my old coworker Andrew got for me at a trade show

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thought Pie: Grace in Small Things - Part 1 of 365

I'm stealing an idea from my coworker and the blogger Schmutzie and starting "365 Days of Grace in Small Things".

To explain it better, here's a bit from Schmutzie:

"The world we live in is loud and harsh and bright and demanding, and it is easy to slide into a less than thoughtful survival mode in which we do what we have to do to make it through the day with the least amount of strife possible. This robs us of the time and energy to be mindful of ourselves and those we love and to recognize the grace that exists in small things.

It is with this thought that I am beginning one year of posts called "Grace In Small Things". Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life. Feel free to join me. Or mock me. Or, you know, do whatever's in your heart. You can start on whatever day you want, so if you come across this six months from now, don't let that hold you back."

So to kick if off, here is Part 1 of 365 from yours truly:

1. My Grandpa Mulford
2. My dog Jack and his goofy smile
3. My boyfriend's face when he plays guitar
4. My sister's laugh and the way her eyes crinkle up when she does so
5. Working with a group of super smart, really nice and non-drama people